
Proyectos vigentes



Earth Observation

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Estel Cardellach


The objectives of SPOT are the consolidation of remote sensing space applications
with signals of opportunity (e.g., navigation satellites, GNSS); contribution to the resolution of its open questions; development of new pioneering techniques to position our leadership in the medium and long term future, for example extending remote sensing to the use of signals from other transmitting systems (SoOP); and the adaptation and improvement of the required instrumentation. The project focuses on reflectometry techniques (GNSS-R and SoOP-R) as well as atmospheric propagation in radio occultation geometry, especially at two polarizations (GNSS PRO).

Actividades del proyecto

1-Land: Experimental campaign (Sodankylä, Finland) and satellite data analysis (CyGNSS, TDS1) to determine the geophysical information content of GNSS-R in wetlands (great uncertainty in climatic studies), contributory activity to a NASA project for 'Land Cover and Land Use (LCLUC) Research in Southeast Asia. '

2-Ocean: improvement of data retrievals through upgrades of the open source code 'wavpy', developed by the group (simulation/analysis); data analysis of the first GNSS-R synoptic receiver for precise altimetry designed to be embarked in drones (SPIR-UAV) and spatial data of the CyGNSS mission. Demonstration of the grazing angle altimetry from space using CyGNSS data. New spaceborne wind speed retrieval algorithms with CyGNSS. Demonstration of a new concept for direct measurement of sea currents, based on the Doppler effect of SoOP reflections.

3-Cryosphere: Campaigns and analysis of satellite data to understand the response of GNSS-R over sea ice (MOSAiC campaign), and on permafrost (Sodankylä, Finland). Processing of data from TDS-1 and CyGNSS satellites with the same purpose, which is a potential new ice thickness estimation technique.

4-Atmosphere: Maintenance, exploitation and dissemination of the ROHP-PAZ experiment on the PAZ satellite, demonstrator of the new GNSS PRO measurement concept developed in the group and representing the only sensor capable of simultaneously measuring the thermodynamic and precipitation structure of extreme phenomena. The experiment involves international agreements (NOAA, UCAR, JPL) for ROHP-PAZ data use in operational meteorology and research.

Fecha inicio


Fecha finalización


Organismo financiador

AEI / Ministerio de Ciencia, Universidades e Innovación

