
Congresos 2021

Participación de los componentes de la PTI en congresos y conferencias



Aragonés, D., Rodriguez-Galiano, V. F., Espinoza-Guzmán, M. A. . 2021. Localización de áreas prioritarias para el monitoreo fenológico del bosque mesófilo de montaña en el centro de Veracruz, México. Geografia, Cambio Global y Sostenibilidad. XXVII Congreso de Geografia. 21 al 24 de septiembre de 2021


Arévalo-Verjel, A. N., Lerma, J. L., Fernández, J. Análisis comparativo de software para obtener MDT con fotogrametría RPAS. Tercer Congreso en Ingeniería Geomática, Valencia, 7–8 de Julio de 2021.


Campbell, G.; Farrugia, R.; Flo, E.; Galea, A.; Martinez, L. and Valentino, G. SAT-FIRE Project Panel Discussion. SAT-FIRE Project end meeting. Kalkara, Malta and on-line. 27 July 2021. Invited conference.


Cardellach, E., Li, W., Ribó, S., Rius, A., A. Pascual, B. Casas, Precise sea surface altimetry with GNSS-R? A dedicated study, IEEE Specialist Meeting on Reflectometry using GNSS and other Signals of Opportunity 2021 (GNSS+R 2021), Virtual Symposium, Invited talk, 2021-09-14, 2021-09-17


Cardellach, E., Li, W., Ribó, S., Rius, A., J. Stroeve, V. Nandan, P. Itkin, R.T. Tonboe, S. Hendricks, M. Huntemann, G. Spreen, T. Casal, M. Martin-Neira, Linearly Polarized GNSS-Reflectometry at the MOSAiC Campaign , MOSAiC Workshop 2021, Virtual Symposium, Poster, 2021-11-05


Cardellach, E., Portfolio of GNSS reflectometry: a broad catalog of products beyond ocean winds, 2021 Australian Bureau of Meteorology Annual Research and Development workshop, Virtual Symposium, Invited talk, 2021-11-08, 2021-11-11,


Cardellach, E., Ribó, S., Li, W., Rius, A., Study on dual frequency grazing angle GNSS-R for precise altimetry: the ESA OSIP campaign at Puig Major, 10th ESA-China GNSS-R Workshop, Virtual Symposium, Invited talk, 2021-11-17, 2021-11-19,


Castañeda C., Rodríguez-Ochoa R., Latorre B., Scott B., Rabenhorst M. 2021. Redox conditions of highly saline, gypsum-rich wetland soils. Society of Wetland Scientists, Europe chapter Annual Meeting, June 15th – 17th. Oral presentation


de Castro Megías, A.I.; Maja, J.M.; Melgar, J.C.; Schnabel, G.Peña, J.M. Optimizing peach management based on hyperspectral and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology. 13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. 19-22/07/2021. Budapest (Hungría)


de Castro Megías, A.I.; Torres-Sánchez, J.; Lovera, M.; Arquero, O.; Jiménez-Brenes, F.M.; López-Granados, F. Detección temprana de antracnosis en almendro mediante parámetros espectrales. XVI Congreso Nacional Ciencias Hortícolas. 17-22/10/2021. Córdoba (Spain)


Fahrner, D., Gonzalez, P.J., Lea, J.M., Brough, S., Abermann, J., (2021) Seasonal evolution of Narsap Sermia, SW Greenland, using time lapse imagery and high-resolution SAR satellite radar data. 2021 AGU Fall Meeting. 13 - 17 December 2021, New Orleans and online meeting.


Fernández, J., Escayo, J., Hu, Z., Camacho, A.G., Samsonov, S.V., Prieto, J.F., Tiampo, K.F., Palano, M., Mallorquí, J.J. Detección del inicio de reactivación volcánica en la isla de La Palma, Islas Canarias, y estudio de su evolución temporal.. Tercer Congreso en Ingeniería Geomática, Valencia, 7–8 de Julio de 2021.


Fernandez, J.,, Antonio G. Camacho, Sergey V. Samsonov, Kristy F. Tiampo, and Mimmo Palano. Interpretation of volcanic surface deformation using a 3D multi-source approach. EGU General Assembly 2021 (Online), 19-30/April/2021


Gabarró, G.,  J. Salvador, R. Jove-Casulleras , P. Fabregat, G. Spreen, L. von Albedyll, A. Macfarlane, L. Thielke 'First results of the L-band ARIEL radiometer measurement during the MOSAIC expedition', ASSW2021 (on line), march 2021


Gabarró, C., J. Martínez, M. Umbert, E. Olmedo,V. Gonzalez-Gambau, C. González-Haro, A. Turiel, L. Bertino, J. Xie, R. P. Raj, R. Catany, M. Arias, R. Sabia, D. Fernández. ‘Satellite salinity to monitor the freshwater fluxes in the Arctic Ocean’, Ocean Salinity Conference, NY, EEUU, 2021


García Díaz, D. Mapeando fenología desde el cielo. PyConES 2021 (Congreso de Python España). 2-3 octubre 2021


Garcia Sánchez, G. XXVI Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones XVI Congreso de Matemática Aplicada GIJÓN, Spain, June 14-18, 2021. Mini symposium: math-in: Success Stories between Academia and Industry. Lectured Presented: Dynamical Systems and Marine Litter Monitoring


Hernández-Pajares, M., , H. Lyu, E. Monte-Moreno, Cardellach, E., B. Nava, G. Olivares-Pulido, Retrieve electron density profiles from truncated Radio Occultation GNSS data , XXXIV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI) -- URSI-GASS 2021, Rome, Invited talk, 2021-08-28, 2021-09-04


Li, W., Y. Nan, Cardellach, E., Rius, A., J. Liu, A Semi-empirical Model on the Standard Deviation of Spaceborne GNSS-R Wind Speed Measurements, PIERS 2021, Hangzhou + Virtual, Contributed talk, 2021-11-21, 2021-11-25,


Lobo, Agustín, Emma García, Gisela Barroso, David Martí, J. L. Fernandez-Turiel, and Jordi Ibáñez Insa. 2021. . Machine-Learning Classification of Proximal Conventional and Hyper-Spectral Imagery. In . On-line.


Lobo A.. 2021. “Teledetección de Quemas Prescritas. Experiencias y Propuestas.” Almería (Spain), December 13.


Longo, M.G., Vanella, D., Consoli, S., Intrigliolo, D.S. and Ramírez-Cuesta, J.M. (2021). Integrating forecast meteorological data into the ArcDualKc model for estimating spatially distributed evapotranspiration rates over a citrus orchard. Acta Hortic. 1314, 17-22. International Symposium on Precision Management of Orchards and Vineyards 2021.


Martínez, J., García-Ladona E., Ballabrera-Poy J.,  Isern-Fontanet J.,  González-Motos S., Allegue JM., González-Haro C.  (2021). Atlas of currents and theri variability in the Mediterranean and Canary-Iberian-Biscay waters. Presentation at VI Expanding Ocean Frontiers conference (EOF 2021). Barcelona (Spain), 5th - 7th July 2021


Martínez, J., Duran R., García-Ladona E., Ballabrera-Poy J.,  Isern-Fontanet J.  (2021).Quasi-steady lagrangian coherent structures in the Mediterraenan basin and Iberian Atlantic waters. Presentation at VI Expanding Ocean Frontiers conference (EOF 2021). Barcelona (Spain), 5th - 7th July 2021


Padullés, R., Cardellach, E., F. J. Turk, C. O. Ao, de la Torre, M, Wang, K.-N., Oyola, M., Gong, J., Wu, D., Sounding the vertical structure of horizontally oriented frozen particles using Polarimetric Radio Occultation observations aboard PAZ, 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop, online, Poster, 2021-08-31, 2021-09-03,


Peña, J.M.;Maja, J.M.; Melgar, J.C.; Schnabel, G.; de Castro Megías, A.I. Drone-based hyperspectral monitoring of peach tree defoliation caused by leaf rust disease. SPIE-Remote Sensing. 13-16/09/2021. Madrid (Spain)


Purcell, V., Reddin, E., Ebmeier, S., Gonzalez, P.J., Watson, A., Morishita, Y., Elliott, J., (2021) 300 years on: long-lived lava flow subsidence at Timanfaya, Lanzarote, from InSAR time series analysis. 2021 AGU Fall Meeting. 13 - 17 December 2021, New Orleans and online meeting.


Ramírez-Cuesta, J.M., Buesa, I., Moreno, M.A., Ballesteros, R., Hernández-López, D. and Intrigliolo, D.S. (2021). Evaluating the effect of different management practices on vineyard evapotranspiration by using remote sensing‐based energy balance models. Acta Hortic. 1314, 53-60. International Symposium on Precision Management of Orchards and Vineyards 2021.


Rubio-Asensio, J.S., Ramírez-Cuesta, J.M., Mirás-Avalos, J.M., Alarcón, J.J. and Intrigliolo, D.S. (2021). Decision support system and weather forecast data for modeling open field vegetable crops evapotranspiration. Acta Hortic. 1311, 361-366. VI International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain Model-IT 2021.


Sanz-Cano J., Latorre B., Castañeda C. 2021. The habitats of Gallocanta Lake (NE Spain) as viewed by Sentinel-1. 2021. Society of Wetland Scientists, Europe chapter Annual Meeting. June 15th – 17th. Oral presentation


Turk, F.J., Cardellach, E., Padullés, R., C. O. Ao, M. de la Torre-Juarez, K.-N. Wang, M. Oyola, Status of the Radio Occultations through Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) experiment after three years in orbit, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans + Virtual, Contributed talk, 2021-12-13, 2021-12-17,


Rubio-Asensio, J.S., Hortelano, D., Ramírez-Cuesta, J.M., Parra, M., Buesa, I. and Intrigliolo, D.S. (2022). How fertilization regime should be adapted when almond trees are grown under deficit irrigation and with cover crops? Insights and open questions from a field trial. Acta Hortic. 1333, 351-358. IX International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops 2021.


Umbert, M., , Joaquin Salvador, Jordi Salat, Nina Hoareau, Estrella Olmedo and Carolina Gabarró, ‘The contribution of the Vendée Globe Race to improved ocean surface information. A validation of the remotely sensed salinity in the sub-Antarctic zone‘, Ocean Salinity Conference, NY, EEUU, 2021


Unwin, M., N. Pierdicca, K. Rautiainen, Cardellach, E., G. Foti, P. Blunt, J. Rawlinson, M. Tossaint, T. Burger, he HydroGNSS Scout and DoT-1 Small Satellite GNSS-Reflectometry Missions, ESA EO Phi Week 2021, Virtual Symposium, Contributed talk, 2021-10-11, 2021-10-15,


Unwin, M., N. Pierdicca, Cardellach, E., P. Blunt, G. Foti, C. Gommenginger, L. Guerriero, K. Rautiainen, E. Santi, M. Pastena, J.-P. Lejault, The ESA Scout HydroGNSS: a GNSS-R mission focused on land, IEEE Specialist Meeting on Reflectometry using GNSS and other Signals of Opportunity 2021 (GNSS+R 2021), Virtual Symposium, Contributed talk, 2021-09-14, 2021-09-17,