
Congresos 2020

Participación de los componentes de la PTI en congresos y conferencias



Burchard-Levine, V., Nieto, H., Riaño, D., Kustas, W.P., Migliavacca, M., El-Madany, T. S., Carrara, A., and Martín, M. P. Exploring the relationship between vegetation water fluxes status and water fluxes. III Simposio de Doctorandos TIG-UAH (on line). 25-26 November 2020


Burchard-Levine, V., Nieto, H., Riaño, D., Migliavacca, M., El-Madany, T. S., Carrara, A., and Martín, M. P. Monitoring seasonal changes in Plant Traits: Exploring the relationship between vegetation water fluxes status and water fluxes. TRUSTEE final Meeting (on line). 18 June 2020


Caballero & Navarro, Sentinel-2a/b satellites for aquatic and coastal science applications. VII International Symposium on Marine Sciences (ISMS 2020), Barcelona 1-3 julio 2020. Comunicación oral


Camps, A., J. F. Munoz-Martin, A. Perez, E. Cardellach, S. Ribo, M. Pastena, FFSCAT MISSION: PRELIMINARY RESULTS AND ICE PRODUCTS VALIDATION WITH MOSAIC CAMPAIGN DATA, 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2020), September 26 - October 2, 2020, Virtual Symposium,


Cardellach, E., W. Li, S. Ribó, A. Rius, M. Martín-Neira, N. Nguyen, T. Yuasa, O. Nogués-Correig, D. Masters, CAN MULTI-FREQUENCY INTERFEROMETRY EXPAND THE COHERENCE CONDITIONS FOR SPACEBORNE GNSS GRAZING ANGLE CARRIER PHASE ALIMETRY?, 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2020), September 26 - October 2, 2020, Virtual Symposium, 


Cardellach, E., W. Li, S. Ribó, A. Rius, Summary of GNSS-R activities at ICE-CSIC/IEEC, The 9th ESA-China GNSS-R Workshop 13 - 14 October, 2020, Shanghai, China (remote presentation)


Carreno-Luengo, H., A. Camps, N. Flouri, M. Martin-Neira, C. Ruf, T. Wang, S. Khalsa, M. P. Clarizia, J. Reynolds, J. Johnson, A. O'Brien, C. Galdi, M. di Biscegli, A. Dielacher, P. Jales, M. Unwin, L. King, G. Foti, R. Shah, D. Pascual, B. Schreiner, M. Asgarimehr, J. Wickert, S. Ribo, E. Cardellach, THE GRSS STANDARD FOR GNSS-REFLECTOMETRY, 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2020), September 26 - October 2, 2020, Virtual Symposium,


Chowdhury M., Irene Laiz Alonso & Isabel Caballero, Patterns of variability of satellite-derived optical parameters in the Meghna estuary and their response to climatic indices. VII International Symposium on Marine Sciences (ISMS 2020), Barcelona 1-3 julio 2020. Comunicación oral


Chowdhury, M., Laiz Alonso, I., & Caballero de Frutos, I. (2020). Spatial and temporal scales of variability in the Meghna estuary from ocean remote sensing. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 8655). Comunicación oral.


Comite, D.; Pierdicca, N.; Unwin, M.; Cardellach, E.; Rautiainen, K.; Foti, G.; Blunt, P.; Guerriero, L.; Santi, E.; Kern, M.; Tossaint, M., The ESA HydroGNSS Scout Mission: An Ovierview, URSI 2020 General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Aug 29 - Sep 5, 2020, Virtual Symposium,, 


Daniel García  - Complete Python package to monitor water quality using remote sensing. Python Machine Learning Conference & GeoPython 2020


Díaz-Delgado R. Drone assistance to long term ecological monitoring and conservation: the case of Doñana protected area. Oral presentation at Eurosite Annual Meeting 2020: ‘Zooming’ in on European natural site management — from plan to action. November 5th 2020.


Fragner, H., A. Dielacher, M. Moritsch, J. Wickert, M. Semmling, O. Koudelka, P. Hoeg, E. Cardellach, M. Martin Neira, R. Walker, F. Perez Lissi, STATUS OF THE ESA PRETTY MISSION, 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2020), September 26 - October 2, 2020, Virtual Symposium, 


Gabarro Prats, Carolina; Gonzalez-Gambau, Veronica; Bertino, Laurent; Bracher, Astrid; Diehl, Thomas; Dierking, Wolfgang; Hughes, Nick; Lavergne, Thomas; Malnes, Eirik; Madurell, Teresa; Scholze, Marko; Toudal, Leif; Turiel, Antonio; Wilkinson, Jeremy.2020 European Polar Science Week. 26-30 October 2020. Online: KEPLER: Assessment on the Status and Improvements for Remote Sensing Polar Monitoring in Copernicus Program.  Poster


Garcı́a-Ladona E. , Ballabrera J., Garcı́a-Casals X. and E. Berdalet, Proyecto COSMO un paso hacia MEDOSMOSIS y SHAREMED, Jornada de Vigilancia Marı́tima en el Mediterráneo Occidental. Valencia (Spain)


Giesen, R., Trindade, A., Portabella, M., and Stoffelen, A., “Improved ocean wind forcing products,” EGU General Assembly, online, 4-8 May, 2020


Gonzalez-Dugo, V., Testi, L., Villalobos, F.J., López-Bernal, A., Orgaz, F., Zarco-Tejada, P.J., Fereres, E. Empirical validation of the relationship between the crop water stress index and relative transpiration in almond trees (2020) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 292-293, art. no. 108128


Gonzalez-Dugo, V., Zarco-Tejada, P.J., Intrigliolo, D.S., Ramírez-Cuesta, J.-M. Normalization of the crop water stress index to assess the within-field spatial variability of water stress sensitivity


Gonzalez-Gambau, V-, A. Turiel, J. Martinez, E. Olmedo, C. Gabarro, C. Gonzalez-Haro, R. Oliva, M. Martin-Neira. Microrad. 16-20 Novembre. Online: Triple collocation analysis for two-error correlated datasets: Quality assessment of SMOS data Oral presentation


V. Gonzalez-Gambau, A. Turiel, J. Martinez, E. Olmedo, C. Gabarro, C. Gonzalez-Haro, R. Oliva, M. Martin-Neira, Triple collocation analysis for two-error correlated datasets: Quality assessment of SMOS data, 16th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment, 16-20 November 2020


V. González-Gambau, E. Olmedo, C. González-Haro, A. Turiel, J. Martínez, C. Gabarró, P. Alenius, L. Tuomi, P. Roiha, M. Arias, R. Catany, D. Fernández and R. Sabia, First regional SMOS Sea Surface Salinity products over the Baltic Sea and its oceanographic added-value, ESA-Baltic Earth Workshop on Earth Observation in the Baltic Sea region, 21 September 2020


González-Gambau, V., Estrella Olmedo, Cristina González-Haro, Antonio Turiel, Justino Martínez, Carolina Gabarró, Pekka Alenius, Laura Tuomi, Petra Roiha, Manuel Arias, Rafael Catany, Diego Fernández and Roberto Sabia. ESA-Baltic Earth Workshop on Earth Observation in the Baltic Sea region. 21 September 2020. Online: First regional SMOS Sea Surface Salinity products over the Baltic Sea and its oceanographic added-value.  Oral presentation


González-Haro, C., Marcello Passaro, Felix L. Müller, Verónica González-Gambau, Estrella Olmedo and  Antonio Turiel. ESA-Baltic Earth Workshop on Earth Observation in the Baltic Sea region. 21 September 2020. Online: Exploring synergies between remote sensing products developed under the framework of ESA Baltic+ initiative: Sea Surface Salinity and Sea Surface Height.  Oral presentation


Gracia-Romero, A., Longmire, A.R., Belwakar, A., Poblete, T., Zarco-Tejada, P.J., Assessing relationships between hyperspectral imagery and wheat parameters. III Spanish Symposium on Physiology and Breeding of Cereals. November 17th – 18th, 2020. Pamplona, Spain


Henriette Skourup (DTU Space) and Carolina Gabarro (BEC/ICM-CSIC). Discussion session organization: Remote Sensing to better assess the Arctic Freshwater fluxes budget - knowledge gaps towards improvements”. EO4 polar nov 2020


Hoareau, N.,  M. Portabella, S. Guimbard, M. Umbert, V. Gonzalez-Gambau, C. Gonzalez-Haro, E. Olmedo, A. Turiel., Towards Error Estimation Maps for Satellite Sea Surface Salinity retrievals (Poster presentation). EO for Water Cycle Science 2020, 16-19/11/2020. Online


Huraibat, Khalil; Esther Perales; Alejandro Ferrero; Joaquín Campos; Ivo van der Lans; Eric Kirchner. Physics-based Modeling of a Light Booth to Improve Color Accuracy of 3D Rendering. London Imaging Meeting (LIM). Presentación y Poster


Intriglolo D.S. La eficiencia en el uso del agua en los agro-ecosistemas mediterráneos: Desde la hoja individual hasta la cuenca hidrogràfica. PARTICIPACIÓN: Poster. CONGRESO: III Jornada de Investigación Universitaria sobre Cambio Climático: Cambio Climático y Energía Sostenible LUGAR DE CELEBRACIÓN: on-line (Valencia, España)


Intriglolo D.S.Dealing with water scarcity by integrating technical solutions into appropriate water governance mechanisms. EIT-Kics Water Scarcity Academy. 25-06-2020. Webinar. 30 minutes


Intriglolo D.S.Escasez de Agua en Agricultura. Water Academy Spain. EIT-Kics. 18-11-2020. Webinar 90 minutes


Intriglolo D.S.Manejo y uso eficiente del agua en los agro- ecosistemas mediterráneos. V Jornadas Catedra AgroBank. 18-11-2020. Webinar 30 minutos


Intriglolo D.S.Scarsità d'acqua in agricoltura. Water Academy Italy. EIT-Kics. 05-11-2020. Webinar 90 minutes


Li, W., Cardellach, E., Ribó, S., Rius, A., 'CYGNSS raw IF data processing at ICE-CSIC/IEEC and data availability to the Science Team', CYGNSS Science Team Meeting, Annn Arbor, MI, Contributed talk, 2020-06-09, 2020-06-11


Li, W., E. Cardellach, S. Ribó, A. Rius, Spaceborne Demonstration of GNSS-R from BeiDou-3 and Galileo, The 9th ESA-China GNSS-R Workshop 13 - 14 October, 2020, Shanghai, China (remote presentation)


E. Makarova, M. Portabella, A. Trindade., Evaluation of the ERA* ocean forcing product under storm surge conditions in the Adriatic Sea (Oral prresentation). International Symposium on Marine Sciences, 1-3/07/2020. Online


Lin, W., Portabella, M., and Zhao, X., “Rain effects on CFOSAT scatterometer: Towards an improved wind quality control,” Proc. of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), online, 26 September - 2 October, 2020.


Mancho, A.M. Oleg Naydenov accident: an application of Copernicus IBI for monitoring oil spills.  Presentación Invitada. Copernicus Marine Training workshop for Iberia-Biscay-Ireland Region. Plocan, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, (ONLINE por COVID-19) 29 Septiembre 2020


Martín-Neira, M., Roger Oliva, Ignasi Corbella, Francesc Torres, Nuria Duffo, Israel Durán , Juha Kainulainen, Josep Closa, Albert Zurita, Javier del Castillo, François Cabot, Ali Khazaal, Eric Anterrieu, Philippe Richaume, Jose Barbosa, Gonçalo Lópes, Joe Tenerelli, RaúlDíez-García, Jorge Fauste, Antonio Turiel, Verónica González-Gambau, Raffaele Crapolicchio, Giovanni Macelloni, Marco Brogioni, Pierre Vogel, Irene Cerro Herrero, Elena Checa Cortés, Martin Suess. IGARSS. September 26-October 2, 2020. Online: SMOS INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION and LEVEL-1 PROCESSOR PERFORMANCE after 11 YEARS in ORBIT.  Presentación oral


Martínez-Enríquez, E., J. Portilla, "Controlled Feature Adjustment for Image Processing and Synthesis", IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, IEEE MMSP 2020, virtually in Tampere, Sept. 2020. (Los proceedings de este Workshop se publicarán en IEEE XPLORE en breve)


Mayoral Herrera, V. Low altitude remote sensing as a complementary source for survey data Some study. International Mediterranean Survey Workshop, 4/5 dec. 2020 cases from Spain


Mayoral Herrera, V. Os territórios da conquista: como abordar o estudo de território em momentos de transição. WORKSHOP A ARQUEOLOGIA ROMANA E O SÉCULO XXI Metodologias e estratégias de trabalho para o novo milénio 2o ciclo de Arqueologia & Ambiente


Migliavacca, M., El-Madany, T.,  Carrara,  A. , Moreno, G., Martin, M. P., Luo, Y., Nair, R., Kolle, O., Wutzler, T. and Reichstein, M. How nutrient and water availability impact carbon fluxes in a semi-arid tree-grass ecosystem. ICOS Science Conference (on line). 15-17 September 2020


Navarro G., Caballero I., Gomez-Enri, J., Bolado M., Vázquez A., Bruno M. 2020. Use of images and instrumentation in observatory”. Charla invitada en la Sea Tech Week on the Sea Eu Project.


Olmedo, Estrella; Belmonte, Maria; Gabarró, Carolina; González-Gambau, Verónica; González-Haro, Cristina; Martínez, Justino; Turiel, Antonio; Portabella, Marcos; Aulicino, Giuseppe; Cotroneo, Yuri; Haumann, Alexander; Naveira-Gabarato, Alberto; Catany, Rafael; Arias, Manuel. 2020 European Polar Science Week. 26-30 October 2020. Online: SMOS Sea Surface Salinity In The Antarctic: Geophysical Capabilities And Limitations


Olmedo, E., A. Turiel, V. Gonzalez-Gambau, C. Gonzalez-Haro, N. Rieger, C. Gabarro, M. Portabella, I. Corbella, M. Martin-Neira, M. Arias, R. Catany, R. Sabia, R. Oliva, K. Scipal., Stratification footprints in the SMOS SSS maps (Oral presentation). EO for Water Cycle Science 2020, 16-19/11/2020. Online


Pablos,M., C. González-Haro, M. Vallossera, M. Portabella, A. Turiel, A. Camps, Land Applications Using SMOS Data at Barcelona Expert Center, Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science 2020, Virtual Event, November 16-19, 2020, E-poster.


Pancorbo, J.L., Alonso-Ayuso, M., Raya-Sereno, M.D., Gabriel, J.L., Camino, C., Zarco-Tejada, P.J., Quemada, M., Hyperspectral and thermal imagery to assess nitrogen and water status in winter wheat. Proceedings of the XVI European Society for Agronomy Congress, 1-3 September 2020, Seville, Spain


Pascual, A., R. Fablet, E. Mason, S. Ruiz, A. Sánchez-Román, B. Barceló-Llull, G. Aulicino, Y. Cotroneo, L. Gómez-Navarro, E. Cutolo, D. Rodríguez-Tarry, S. Ouala, H. Antich, M. López-Radcenco, B. Mourre, Y. Faugère, A. Mahadevan, A. Doglioli, F. D’Ovidio. Multi-platform experiments, numerical simulations and data science techniques for generation of new altimetric products: focus on mesoscale and sub- mesoscale variability (MANATEE – OSTST proposal). OSTST 2020 Virtual Meeting. 19 – 23 October 2020


Portabella, M., A. Trindade, F. Cossu, G. Grieco, A. Rabaneda, E. Makarova, M. Martín-Rey, E. Exarchou, W. Lin, F. Polverari, G. King., Scatterometer-derived stress-equivalent wind fields: retrievals and applications (Oral presentation). International workshop on metrology for the sea (Metrosea). 05-07/10/2020. Online


Raya-Sereno, M.D., Alonso-Ayuso, M., Pancorbo, J.L., Gabriel, J.L., Camino, C., Zarco-Tejada, P.J., Quemada, M., Ground level and aerial sensors to assess wheat N status and to adjust N fertilization. Proceedings of the XVI European Society for Agronomy Congress, 1-3 September 2020, Seville, Spain


Rieger N., Álvaro Corral, Antonio Turiel and Estrella Olmedo. Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science Conference. 16-19 November 2020. Online: Complex Canonical Correlation Analysis: a Method to Detect Lagged Correlations Between Variables.  Oral presentation


Rius, A., E. Cardellach, Bofeng Guo, Weiqiang Li, S. Ribó, Nan Yang, Variational wind speed retrievals of uncalibrated CyGNSS data: response to high wind, CYGNSS Science Team Meeting, Annn Arbor, MI, Contributed talk, 2020-06-09, 2020-06-11


Sánchez-Román, A., A. Pascual, M.-I. Pujol, G. Taburet, M. Marcos and Y. Faugère. Assessment of DUACS Sentinel-3A altimetry data in the coastal band of the European Seas: comparison with tide gauge measurements. OSTST 2020 Virtual Meeting. 19 – 23 October 2020


Stoffelen, A., Mouche, A., Polverari, F., Van Zadelhoff, G.J., Sapp, J., Portabella, M., Chang, P., Lin, W., and Jelenak, Z., “An in-situ reference for high and extreme winds,” EGU General Assembly, online, 4-8 May, 2020


Suarez, L., González-Dugo, V., Camino, C., Hornero, A., Zarco-Tejada, P.J. Physical model inversion of the green spectral region to track assimilation rate in almond trees with an airborne nano-hyperspectral imager (2021) Remote Sensing of Environment, 252, art. no. 112147


Umbert, Marta; Gabarró, Carolina; Martínez, Justino; Olmedo, Estrella; Turiel, Antonio. 2020 European Polar Science Week. 26-30 October 2020. Online: Assessment Of The Correlation Between SMOS Sea Surface Salinity, River Discharge And Sea Ice Fraction In Laptev And Kara Seas.  Poster


Unwin, M., N. Pierdicca, K. Rautiainen, E. Cardellach, G. Foti, P. Blunt, L. Guerriero, E. Santi, M. Tossaint, E. Worsley, OUTLINE OF THE ESA HYDROGNSS GNSS REFLECTOMETRY SCOUT MISSION, 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2020), September 26 - October 2, 2020, Virtual Symposium,


Unwin, M., N. Pierdicca, K. Rautiainen, E. Cardellach, G. Foti, P. Blunt, M. Tossaint, A. da Silva Curiel, OUTLINE OF THE HYDROGNSS GNSS-REFLECTOMETRY SCOUT MISSION, 27th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SMALL SATELLITE MISSIONS, Virtual Symposium, October 12, 2020,B4,4,1,x58839.brief.pdf?2020-07-07.10:26:05