Marine Atmosphere eXtreme Satellite Synergy





Nombre del proyecto

Marine Atmosphere eXtreme Satellite Synergy


Extreme wind events occupy an increasing place in the mass media as they have direct societal and economic implications (human loss, material destructions, etc.), and are expected to become more destructive in the future as a consequence of global warming. Besides global warming, societies and economies are becoming increasingly vulnerable to extremes. The primary objective of the project is to provide guidance and innovative methodologies to maximize the synergetic use of available Earth Observation data (satellite, in situ) to improve understanding about the multi-scale dynamical characteristics of extreme air-sea interaction events. We further postulate that systematic collocations between medium (e.g. ASCAT) and low resolution (SMOS, SMAP, AMRS-2, CYGNSS) satellite observations with high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and in situ reference estimates from the Step Frequency Microwave radiometer (SFMR) and dropsondes acquired by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) P-3 hurricane “hunter” flights will serve to compare and homogenize all these different measurements. In turn, these homogenized multi-modal measurements, with more complete global space-time sampling of surface winds, will be integrated into a single, new wind product. The main ambition will then be to provide quantifiable measures of the accuracy of the most severe storm dynamics from these products, and to derive extreme wind climate and trend analysis. These new products will be complemented by the collection of other parameters (waves, pycnocline uplift, sea surface temperature, salinity, and height, etc.) to help describe extreme ocean-atmosphere interactions and consolidate a first storm-atlas

Organismo de financiación


Cantidad financiada

ICM: 75000 €; ICE: 20000€

Fecha de inicio y finalización

Jan 2021 - Dec 2022


ICM: Marcos Portabella; ICE: Estel Cardellach, 

Sitio web