FLEX-S3 mission L3 and L4 products Calibration/Validation | |
Sinergia | INTA-IEGD |
Acrónimo | CalValFLEX |
Nombre del proyecto | FLEX-S3 mission L3 and L4 products Calibration/Validation |
Resumen | FLuorescence Explorer (FLEX) has been selected as the eight Earth Explorer mission within the Earth Observation Programme of the European Space Agency (ESA). The main objective of FLEX (Principal Investigator is Prof. José Moreno, from University of Valencia), is the retrieval of the vegetation fluorescence, which is a sub-product of photosynthesis. FLEX has a very high spectral resolution instrument, FLORIS, on board of a polar-orbiting satellite, to be launched on 2022, that will fly in tandem with one of the Copernicus/Sentinel-3 satellites. ESA will fund the mission development and the scientific studies required for the definition of the main Level 2 products: vegetation fluorescence and surface (Top of Canopy) reflectance. In this sense, University of Valencia lead the AVANFLEX project in which advanced products and calibration/validation basic lines for FLEX were developed. The FLEXL3L4 project is a coordinated to give continuity to the work done during AVANFLEX. The products that are going to be developed in the frame of FLEX L3L4 project will be calibrated and validated CalValFLEXL3L4. Principal guidelines for the FLEX products CalVal plan and the appropriate experimental sites for CalVal campaigns were determined in AVANFLEX project. CalValFLEXL3L4 is lead by the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA). INTA has extensive experience in the preparation of space missions and in the design and execution of calibration and validation campaigns and has actively participated over the last two decades, with numerous campaigns carried out within the framework of ESA's Earth Observation missions. |
Cantidad financiada | 90,000.00€ |
Fecha de inicio y finalización | start:01/01/2019; end:31/12/2021 |
IP | Marcos Jiménez |
Sitio web | N/A |