
Proyectos vigentes

Windrows As Proxies


Physical and Technological Oceanography Department (ICM-CSIC)




Manuel Arias (ICM)


The first objective of the project is to develop an EO pe-operational data processor able to identify filamentous structures of floating debris and other floating materials in Sentinel-2/MSI images over the Mediterranean Sea, by means of both contextual and spectral pixel classification. The second objective is to process the entire Sentinel-2 archive over the ROI and produce a database of filaments, which are used as proxies of potential marine litter and plastic litter pollution. The third objective is to exploit such dataset and corroborate the remote-sensed data vs the state-of-the-art of marine liter pollution in the basin, by doing a geostatistical study and in comparison with data from models and in-situ observations. The fourth objective is to set a roadmap for further development and improvement of the algorithm, as well as set potential new ways to exploit the so-obtained data.

Actividades del proyecto

1. Identify unique spectral signature for floating material using the 13 bands from S-2/MSI. 2. Introduce a pixel separation scheme to keep only valid pixels prior spectral classification.
3. Build and optimize the retrieval algorithm and data processor, as wel as generate both graphical and netCDF outputs.
4. Compile all Sentinel-2/MSI images over the Mediterranean Sea (410 tiles, apporximately 300,000 images).
5. Mass process all the images in a high-perfomance cluster.
6. Compile the results and produce a catalogue of detected windrows in the ROI.
7. Manually screen all the results for validation purposes and depuration of the database.
8. Group detections in a sensible spatio-temporal grid to enable systematic and geostatistical analysis.
9. Cross the so-obtained information with relevant variables, namely rain, coastal run-off, river outflows and marine currents.
10. Compare results with hydrodynamical models, Lagrangian models and in-situ observations in the basin.
11. Produce a manuscript for a scientific peer-review journal.

Fecha inicio


Fecha finalización


Organismo financiador

European Space Agency (4000130627/20/NL/GLC)

