Congresos 2021
Participación de los componentes de la PTI en congresos y conferencias
2021 | Aragonés, D., Rodriguez-Galiano, V. F., Espinoza-Guzmán, M. A. . 2021. Localización de áreas prioritarias para el monitoreo fenológico del bosque mesófilo de montaña en el centro de Veracruz, México. Geografia, Cambio Global y Sostenibilidad. XXVII Congreso de Geografia. 21 al 24 de septiembre de 2021 |
2021 | Arévalo-Verjel, A. N., Lerma, J. L., Fernández, J. Análisis comparativo de software para obtener MDT con fotogrametría RPAS. Tercer Congreso en Ingeniería Geomática, Valencia, 7–8 de Julio de 2021. |
2021 | Campbell, G.; Farrugia, R.; Flo, E.; Galea, A.; Martinez, L. and Valentino, G. SAT-FIRE Project Panel Discussion. SAT-FIRE Project end meeting. Kalkara, Malta and on-line. 27 July 2021. Invited conference. |
2021 | Cardellach, E., Li, W., Ribó, S., Rius, A., A. Pascual, B. Casas, Precise sea surface altimetry with GNSS-R? A dedicated study, IEEE Specialist Meeting on Reflectometry using GNSS and other Signals of Opportunity 2021 (GNSS+R 2021), Virtual Symposium, Invited talk, 2021-09-14, 2021-09-17 |
2021 | Cardellach, E., Li, W., Ribó, S., Rius, A., J. Stroeve, V. Nandan, P. Itkin, R.T. Tonboe, S. Hendricks, M. Huntemann, G. Spreen, T. Casal, M. Martin-Neira, Linearly Polarized GNSS-Reflectometry at the MOSAiC Campaign , MOSAiC Workshop 2021, Virtual Symposium, Poster, 2021-11-05 |
2021 | Cardellach, E., Portfolio of GNSS reflectometry: a broad catalog of products beyond ocean winds, 2021 Australian Bureau of Meteorology Annual Research and Development workshop, Virtual Symposium, Invited talk, 2021-11-08, 2021-11-11, |
2021 | Cardellach, E., Ribó, S., Li, W., Rius, A., Study on dual frequency grazing angle GNSS-R for precise altimetry: the ESA OSIP campaign at Puig Major, 10th ESA-China GNSS-R Workshop, Virtual Symposium, Invited talk, 2021-11-17, 2021-11-19, |
2021 | Castañeda C., Rodríguez-Ochoa R., Latorre B., Scott B., Rabenhorst M. 2021. Redox conditions of highly saline, gypsum-rich wetland soils. Society of Wetland Scientists, Europe chapter Annual Meeting, June 15th – 17th. Oral presentation |
2021 | de Castro Megías, A.I.; Maja, J.M.; Melgar, J.C.; Schnabel, G.Peña, J.M. Optimizing peach management based on hyperspectral and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology. 13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. 19-22/07/2021. Budapest (Hungría) |
2021 | de Castro Megías, A.I.; Torres-Sánchez, J.; Lovera, M.; Arquero, O.; Jiménez-Brenes, F.M.; López-Granados, F. Detección temprana de antracnosis en almendro mediante parámetros espectrales. XVI Congreso Nacional Ciencias Hortícolas. 17-22/10/2021. Córdoba (Spain) |
2021 | Fahrner, D., Gonzalez, P.J., Lea, J.M., Brough, S., Abermann, J., (2021) Seasonal evolution of Narsap Sermia, SW Greenland, using time lapse imagery and high-resolution SAR satellite radar data. 2021 AGU Fall Meeting. 13 - 17 December 2021, New Orleans and online meeting. |
2021 | Fernández, J., Escayo, J., Hu, Z., Camacho, A.G., Samsonov, S.V., Prieto, J.F., Tiampo, K.F., Palano, M., Mallorquí, J.J. Detección del inicio de reactivación volcánica en la isla de La Palma, Islas Canarias, y estudio de su evolución temporal.. Tercer Congreso en Ingeniería Geomática, Valencia, 7–8 de Julio de 2021. |
2021 | Fernandez, J.,, Antonio G. Camacho, Sergey V. Samsonov, Kristy F. Tiampo, and Mimmo Palano. Interpretation of volcanic surface deformation using a 3D multi-source approach. EGU General Assembly 2021 (Online), 19-30/April/2021 |
2021 | Gabarró, G., J. Salvador, R. Jove-Casulleras , P. Fabregat, G. Spreen, L. von Albedyll, A. Macfarlane, L. Thielke 'First results of the L-band ARIEL radiometer measurement during the MOSAIC expedition', ASSW2021 (on line), march 2021 |
2021 | Gabarró, C., J. Martínez, M. Umbert, E. Olmedo,V. Gonzalez-Gambau, C. González-Haro, A. Turiel, L. Bertino, J. Xie, R. P. Raj, R. Catany, M. Arias, R. Sabia, D. Fernández. ‘Satellite salinity to monitor the freshwater fluxes in the Arctic Ocean’, Ocean Salinity Conference, NY, EEUU, 2021 |
2021 | García Díaz, D. Mapeando fenología desde el cielo. PyConES 2021 (Congreso de Python España). 2-3 octubre 2021 |
2021 | Garcia Sánchez, G. XXVI Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones XVI Congreso de Matemática Aplicada GIJÓN, Spain, June 14-18, 2021. Mini symposium: math-in: Success Stories between Academia and Industry. Lectured Presented: Dynamical Systems and Marine Litter Monitoring |
2021 | Hernández-Pajares, M., , H. Lyu, E. Monte-Moreno, Cardellach, E., B. Nava, G. Olivares-Pulido, Retrieve electron density profiles from truncated Radio Occultation GNSS data , XXXIV General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI) -- URSI-GASS 2021, Rome, Invited talk, 2021-08-28, 2021-09-04 |
2021 | Li, W., Y. Nan, Cardellach, E., Rius, A., J. Liu, A Semi-empirical Model on the Standard Deviation of Spaceborne GNSS-R Wind Speed Measurements, PIERS 2021, Hangzhou + Virtual, Contributed talk, 2021-11-21, 2021-11-25, |
2021 | Lobo, Agustín, Emma García, Gisela Barroso, David Martí, J. L. Fernandez-Turiel, and Jordi Ibáñez Insa. 2021. . Machine-Learning Classification of Proximal Conventional and Hyper-Spectral Imagery. In . On-line. |
2021 | Lobo A.. 2021. “Teledetección de Quemas Prescritas. Experiencias y Propuestas.” Almería (Spain), December 13. |
2021 | Longo, M.G., Vanella, D., Consoli, S., Intrigliolo, D.S. and Ramírez-Cuesta, J.M. (2021). Integrating forecast meteorological data into the ArcDualKc model for estimating spatially distributed evapotranspiration rates over a citrus orchard. Acta Hortic. 1314, 17-22. International Symposium on Precision Management of Orchards and Vineyards 2021. |
2021 | Martínez, J., García-Ladona E., Ballabrera-Poy J., Isern-Fontanet J., González-Motos S., Allegue JM., González-Haro C. (2021). Atlas of currents and theri variability in the Mediterranean and Canary-Iberian-Biscay waters. Presentation at VI Expanding Ocean Frontiers conference (EOF 2021). Barcelona (Spain), 5th - 7th July 2021 |
2021 | Martínez, J., Duran R., García-Ladona E., Ballabrera-Poy J., Isern-Fontanet J. (2021).Quasi-steady lagrangian coherent structures in the Mediterraenan basin and Iberian Atlantic waters. Presentation at VI Expanding Ocean Frontiers conference (EOF 2021). Barcelona (Spain), 5th - 7th July 2021 |
2021 | Padullés, R., Cardellach, E., F. J. Turk, C. O. Ao, de la Torre, M, Wang, K.-N., Oyola, M., Gong, J., Wu, D., Sounding the vertical structure of horizontally oriented frozen particles using Polarimetric Radio Occultation observations aboard PAZ, 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop, online, Poster, 2021-08-31, 2021-09-03, |
2021 | Peña, J.M.;Maja, J.M.; Melgar, J.C.; Schnabel, G.; de Castro Megías, A.I. Drone-based hyperspectral monitoring of peach tree defoliation caused by leaf rust disease. SPIE-Remote Sensing. 13-16/09/2021. Madrid (Spain) |
2021 | Purcell, V., Reddin, E., Ebmeier, S., Gonzalez, P.J., Watson, A., Morishita, Y., Elliott, J., (2021) 300 years on: long-lived lava flow subsidence at Timanfaya, Lanzarote, from InSAR time series analysis. 2021 AGU Fall Meeting. 13 - 17 December 2021, New Orleans and online meeting. |
2021 | Ramírez-Cuesta, J.M., Buesa, I., Moreno, M.A., Ballesteros, R., Hernández-López, D. and Intrigliolo, D.S. (2021). Evaluating the effect of different management practices on vineyard evapotranspiration by using remote sensing‐based energy balance models. Acta Hortic. 1314, 53-60. International Symposium on Precision Management of Orchards and Vineyards 2021. |
2021 | Rubio-Asensio, J.S., Ramírez-Cuesta, J.M., Mirás-Avalos, J.M., Alarcón, J.J. and Intrigliolo, D.S. (2021). Decision support system and weather forecast data for modeling open field vegetable crops evapotranspiration. Acta Hortic. 1311, 361-366. VI International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain Model-IT 2021. |
2021 | Sanz-Cano J., Latorre B., Castañeda C. 2021. The habitats of Gallocanta Lake (NE Spain) as viewed by Sentinel-1. 2021. Society of Wetland Scientists, Europe chapter Annual Meeting. June 15th – 17th. Oral presentation |
2021 | Turk, F.J., Cardellach, E., Padullés, R., C. O. Ao, M. de la Torre-Juarez, K.-N. Wang, M. Oyola, Status of the Radio Occultations through Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) experiment after three years in orbit, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans + Virtual, Contributed talk, 2021-12-13, 2021-12-17, |
2021 | Rubio-Asensio, J.S., Hortelano, D., Ramírez-Cuesta, J.M., Parra, M., Buesa, I. and Intrigliolo, D.S. (2022). How fertilization regime should be adapted when almond trees are grown under deficit irrigation and with cover crops? Insights and open questions from a field trial. Acta Hortic. 1333, 351-358. IX International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops 2021. |
2021 | Umbert, M., , Joaquin Salvador, Jordi Salat, Nina Hoareau, Estrella Olmedo and Carolina Gabarró, ‘The contribution of the Vendée Globe Race to improved ocean surface information. A validation of the remotely sensed salinity in the sub-Antarctic zone‘, Ocean Salinity Conference, NY, EEUU, 2021 |
2021 | Unwin, M., N. Pierdicca, K. Rautiainen, Cardellach, E., G. Foti, P. Blunt, J. Rawlinson, M. Tossaint, T. Burger, he HydroGNSS Scout and DoT-1 Small Satellite GNSS-Reflectometry Missions, ESA EO Phi Week 2021, Virtual Symposium, Contributed talk, 2021-10-11, 2021-10-15, |
2021 | Unwin, M., N. Pierdicca, Cardellach, E., P. Blunt, G. Foti, C. Gommenginger, L. Guerriero, K. Rautiainen, E. Santi, M. Pastena, J.-P. Lejault, The ESA Scout HydroGNSS: a GNSS-R mission focused on land, IEEE Specialist Meeting on Reflectometry using GNSS and other Signals of Opportunity 2021 (GNSS+R 2021), Virtual Symposium, Contributed talk, 2021-09-14, 2021-09-17, |